Trauma-Informed Meditation


All classes are lead by a our meditation facilitator and held virtually on Zoom. Meditation can be an integral part of healing for trauma survivors, and an integral part of every day life for virtually anyone. Classes held monthly.

Next Class: June 18-21, 2024. 7pm eastern – Full

Completely Free

Free to register. Free to join. 

No Experience Needed

Come with an open & curious mind

Small Groups

Classes are a maximum of 10 members

Program Information

Program Overview: 

In addition to helping reduce stress, anxiety and depression, meditation is often used as an intervention to support healing from trauma.

Many types of meditation involve focusing your mind on one thing (your breath, a sound, an object, or your thoughts to name a few.) While this can be helpful, some people find it difficult to focus their mind. This class teaches a type of meditation that doesn’t involve focus but instead allows you to let go of your mind while also redirecting it inward. Because the technique doesn’t involve mental effort to focus, it can make it easier to do.

While the purpose of the class is to help people affect change in their lives, there are no instructions on how to live your life when you’re not meditating or philosophy incorporated into the class. If the technique works for you; trauma you have experienced can loosen its grip. You may also experience other benefits; keep in mind, like all types of meditation, the results are different for different people.

Generally speaking, the effects that letting go of your mind will have on you personally could come within a few days, for others it can longer. Most will know for sure if this practice of meditation is helpful within the first month. We encourage to try it and see how you feel.

The course is 4 four consecutive days, typically evenings, and the class size is a maximum of 10.

The first class day runs an average of 120 minutes. The remaining days run 90-120 minutes. If, after the four days, you decide to incorporate this technique into your daily life, there are follow up classes at 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after the course to ensure you continue to practice correctly and effectively.

Throughout the class, it often takes on a feel of becoming a mini-community, which can help you and others feel connected in new and meaningful ways.

This class is open to anyone, regardless of ever having done any meditation in the past. Simply come as you are, with an open mind.

Very Important – When registering for this program, it is necessary to attend the Day 1 class, Live. If you cannot attend on the first day, please schedule for a future class that fits your schedule better.

Live Monthly Classes on Zoom

  • We will update this page with the upcoming class dates and include a registration form. All registrations are first come first served. Classes fill up very quickly so be sure to get your registration in when you see a new class listed.

These classes are completely free. Registration on first come first served basis each month when a new class opens up. 

Cancellation & Refund Policy.

We facilitate a validating and encouraging atmosphere on every call, free from bullying, invalidation, or minimizing. Everyone is respected, encouraged, and validated for who they are.

We value your input. We encourage you to participate in open discussions during each session. There is never any requirement to share; however past experience shows that members get more out of each class, by participating in discussions and practices as you learn about meditation.

Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome; we value the input of all members to help make the program to best it can be for everyone.

In order to participate in this program, you agree that you’ve read, understand, accept, and will abide by all rules & guidelines at all times. These are also linked on the program calls and referenced on the check out page.

Adam talks about the classes

Adam, your meditation facilitator, is here to share more on how the classes work and what you can expect on Day 1 and the remaining days of each monthly class.

Adam worked as an advertising copywriter before transitioning to a career in social services.  He has since worked for organizations that help the homeless, people returning from incarceration, domestic violence survivors, individuals on welfare and military veterans.  He has meditated regularly since the 1990’s, gone on many silent meditation retreats and has taught meditation in New York City jails; at nonprofits including a drug treatment center and homeless shelter; to therapists and to other individuals interested in the benefits of meditation.

Adam Friedman

CPTSD Foundation Trauma-Informed Meditation Facilitator

The class has affected me greatly. It has taught me a new technique but more than that it has given me the opportunity to heal. As I meditate, new information has surfaced helping me to understand what causes my episodes. Adam’s demeanor and professionalism throughout have been fantastic. More than that, his compassion and genuine interest in teaching others is beyond. I am very grateful to have met him. He has changed my life in a positive direction

Former Class Participant

It makes me feel good and safer to know that I have another tool I can use in my healing process. I also liked the sense of community felt by interacting with others having similair challenges. I really appreciated Adam’s care and support. He has a healing energy that I felt safe around which I think can be be rare.

Former Class Participant

Although I struggle with being disciplined about committing to the time for meditating, the effects are noticeable. I am more composed, regulated, and am more present when I take the time out to do a meditation

Former Class Participant

I have greater sense of being alert, present and calm during the day. I notice my days are longer. Dissociation has been lower. I am doing more activities in my community.

Former Class Participant

When I start my day with meditation, I’m calmer and feel more centered and grounded throughout the day

Former Class Participant

Feel calmer and less reactive, though that could be attributed to multiple things. This kind of meditation feels more accessible to me.

Former Class Participant