Trauma-Informed Yoga
A weekly body-centered healing program for survivors of trauma. This weekly, virtual, yoga program is trauma-informed and focused on helping survivors engage with the present moment in a validating and encouraging atmosphere using safe movement.

Weekly Classes
Saturdays, 11am eastern

No Experience Needed
All skill levels and fitness levels welcome, participate in your own way

Live Classes & Recordings
Join the weekly classes via Zoom and/or watch the replays later
Program Information
Program Overview:
Using movement and the practice of yoga as an invitation to shift the focus and power from the external to the internal. How would you like to move? How does it feel inside to make choices in the present moment?
Each week we will come together to share time and movement, an authentic shared experience, where there may be moments where you begin to feel your embodied self. Oftentimes, and in service of survival, we disconnect from what it feels like inside and what it feels like to make choices based on what we’re feeling. During this hour, you’re welcome to explore and experiment with present moment choice making, with noticing sensation, and the experience of participating with other people in our community, whether live or recorded.
Cameras are optional: You’re welcome to keep your camera on or off; the facilitator will have their camera on during each class.
There is no expectation to be a certain fitness level or have any previous yoga experience. You may participate with the movement in whatever way feels useful and safe for you.
We want to acknowledge your courage in showing up for yourself in this way and we’re honored to be with you.
What is needed:
Participants are welcome to use a yoga mat, chair, or anything they feel comfortable with.
Weekly Classes:
Classes meet on Saturdays at 11am on Zoom. Each class will consist of 45 minutes of movement and then time for some thoughts and questions at the end of the session. Additionally, you’ll have access to online chat groups to interact with your leader and other members, outside of the classes.
Access to Prior Sessions:
Program calls are recorded so you can catch up or rewatch a call later.
Your monthly, 3-month, or 6-month membership gives you access to join as often as you like. Be sure to check our calendar for the dates, times, and topics for our programs.
For only $24 per month, you can join us each week in this safe, healing, program. No contract, cancel anytime.
We facilitate a validating and encouraging atmosphere on every call, free from bullying, invalidation, or minimizing. Everyone is respected, encouraged, and validated for who they are.
We encourage you to participate in open discussions by using the chat box during the calls or by “raising your hand” to share using your voice. There is never any requirement to share in any capacity; all members are encouraged to inertact as they see fit.
Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome; we value the input of all members to help make our programs the very best they can be for everyone.
The leader will also include a open time of sharing at the end of each class, for those who’d like to participate.
In order to participate in this program, you agree that you’ve read, understand, accept, and will abide by all rules & guidelines at all times. These are also linked on the program calls and referenced on the check out page.
See a sample in our Learn More resource
If you aren’t familiar with how this program works, you can watch a sample in our free Learn More resource. We’ve created, “Learn More”, to help you understand what each program is like before you sign up. Simply register with your email and you’ll have access to samples of this, and most of our other programs as well.
Throughout my life, I have done different things. I hold a Masters in Education, I’ve opened a NYC restaurant, I had an online business, and even wrote a novel (still in my drawer). I’ve also spent those same years on the yoga mat, as a student and as a facilitator since 2008. Yoga was a path for me. It helped me notice what it felt like to move and live inside my body.
I’m trained as a crisis counselor and I received my certification as a TCTSY-F (Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator). I studied Polyvagal Theory with Deb Dana and this year will be in a year-long study with Bonnie Badenoch, a heart-based training in relational neuroscience for healing trauma. I recently published an article for Voices Against Torture, an International Journal on Human Rights. I facilitate trauma informed yoga for groups, one-on-one, co-direct yoga teacher trainings as well as teach trauma information modules for various yoga schools. I also share this practice for organizational events and teach seminars on this topic.
Check the events calendar
Keep track of Trauma-Informed Yoga, and all program events & live calls for CPTSD Foundation, on our calendar.
Ready to get Started?
Simply click that button to register. You’ll be taken directly to the registration page to fill out your information in an easy to use form.