
Recommendations for CPTSD Recovery


This page is routinely updated with recommendations from CPTSD Foundation to help you on your healing journey. The information on this page contains books, blogs, YouTube channels, podcasts, and courses that can be beneficial to both survivors and practitioners.

This list is not exhaustive, and does not supersede the direction of any medical or mental health provider. These recommendations are provided purely for informational purposes only.

If you have a resource you feel would be helpful, please contact us for consideration.


World renown authors that focus on understanding, educating, and healing from trauma. The authors included here have books that are widely considered recommended reading for both survivors and practitioners. Each section highlights a few of each of their books, with a link to their library. We recommend talking with your mental health professional about books they recommend that are applicable to your specific healing.

Pete Walker
Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Cloud and Townsend
Gretchen Schmelzer
Lisa A. Romano
Peter Levine, Ph.D.
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
Brené Brown
  • Daring Greatly
  • Braving the Wilderness
  • Rising Strong

Her full library of books.

Mike Lew
Dr. Daniel Siegel
Dr. Arielle Schwartz
Alice Miller
Melodie Beattie
Diane Langberg, Ph.D.
Judith Herman

Blogs & YouTube Channels

These channels and blogs are highly recommended by members of our community, those who have taken our programs, or participated in our annual CPTSD Awareness Day virtual summit. The resources cover a wide range of topics relevant to trauma recovery.

If you have a blog or YouTube recommendation, relevant to any aspect of trauma recovery, please contact us for consideration.

Kim Saeed

Author, Coach, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert

Lisa A. Romano

Breakthrough Life Coach, Expert on Codependency

Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Narcissism Expert, Clinical Psychologist, Best-Selling Author

Kati Morton

LMFT, YouTube Creator, Author, Speaker

Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Author, Speaker

Dr. Gabor Maté

Speaker, Author, Expert in addiction, stress and childhood development.

Hilary Jacobs Hendel

Psychotherapist, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Richard Grannon

NLP Master Practitioner, Spartan Life Coach, BSc in Psychology

Angie Atkinson

Expert on Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Brickel and Associates

Robyn E. Brickel, MA, LMFT. Trauma Recovery Blogger

Lily Hope Lucario

Award Winning Blog and Social Media, Healing Complex Trauma & PTSD

Jodi Aman

Psychotherapist, Author, YouTube Creator

Recommended Courses & Programs

The following resources are not affiliated directly with CPTSD Foundation. These programs are highly recommended learning tools for both survivors and practitioners, as suggested by our members, partners, and guests speakers of our CPTSD Awareness Day virtual summits.


Lisa A. Romano

Breakthrough Life Coach and Author, Lisa offers books, courses, and programs to help the wounded adult child end their codependency upon others so they may learn to love the self and live life more abundantly.

svava brooks courses and programs

Svava Brooks

Coach, Speaker, & Survivors, Svava offers private coaching to abuse survivors, and teaches classes and workshops on inner child work, Reiki,  TRE (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises), as well as an extensive blog and video collection.


Kim Saeed

In addition to her YouTube videos and blog, Kim Saeed offers courses to help survivors of narcissistic abuse, break free and thrive after their trauma. Kim’s programs are so effective, therapists are referring their own clients to it.


Jodi Aman

In addition to her private practice as an LCSW, her books, and videos, Jodi Aman offers a library of courses and group programs on anxiety, parenting, CEU’s for therapists, empaths, and courses designed for teens.


Rachel Grant

As a sexual abuse recovery coach, and author, Rachel Grant works with survivors everyday to help them break free from their trauma. Her course, Beyond Surviving, offers a combination of live sessions in a 7 module program.


Angie Atkinson

Angie offers narcissistic abuse recovery services including private & group coaching, support groups, and courses in her Life Makeover Academy program. These courses cover a range of strategies for narcissistic abuse recovery.


Anna Runkle

In addition to her blog & YouTube channel, The Crappy Childhood Fairy offers a library of courses designed to help you heal from childhood trauma, covering CPTSD, dysregulation, connection, dating, & more.

guy macpherson courses

Guy Macpherson

Very well known for his Trauma Therapist Project podcast, Guy Macpherson, Ph.D. also offers courses for trauma therapists on topics including inner-work, the heart-centered therapist, early psychosis, and more.


CPTSD Foundation Programs & Resources

We offer a variety of programs for survivors, designed to help supplement individual therapy. All of our programs affordably priced and some are Free. Our goal is to empower the healing journey of survivors of trauma and equip them with skills, information, and compassionate support.

Become an Affiliate of CPTSD Foundation

If you have programs, courses, books, or resources focusing on trauma recovery or any aspect of mental health, we want to hear from you. Consider becoming and affiliate of CPTSD Foundation to have your resources listed here. In addition, if you have an affiliate program with your organization, please contact us to discuss partnership opportunities.

contact us