Surviving My Past and Beyond Your Past Radio
Hello Friends,
If you’ve landed on this page, you’re likely looking for either the Surviving My Past blog, or Surviving My Past Radio podcast.
My name is Matt and I am the original creator of SurvivingMyPast.net, a blog and subsequent podcast about my journey as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and bullying. As the tag line used to read, “In support of all who have survived the trauma of abuse”.
Surviving My Past was my way to end the silence that I lived in for decades after the abuse happened. My way of sharing my story with anyone who would find it helpful, and maybe encourage them to share their voice with others too. My views and thoughts were my own, in my own words, helping me process the trauma while in therapy.
Over the years, Surviving My Past had over 300 blog entries written by myself and other guest writers. The podcast had 184 episodes, both with the mission of encouraging, validating, and supporting the survivor journey of healing.
Over years of therapy and intense healing work, I’ve been able to embrace and live the motto of “Survive-Thrive-Conquer”. Now, years later, I’ve been involved with CPTSD Foundation as a Technical Director, to help provide programs, resources, and information to trauma survivors across the globe.
The blog ran it’s course for many years, and even though the website and accompanying social media channels no longer exist, the podcast continues to live on. Even now that new episodes have long since ceased, it contines to get downloads and hopefully continues to encourage other survivors.
You can listen to the episodes wherever you get your podcasts, or by clicking here.
Thank you to all who previously read the blog, and the past and current listeners of the podcast. I am eternally grateful for all of the support of survivors across the globe, and the lasting friendships made along the journey.
Keep Rockin’ Your Survivor Journey,
Matt aka Lyric