1. Medical post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

I personally know this is not the case for me in these scenarios, even if I do have some avoidance issues with doctors. Yet, I think it’s super important to talk about this concept as plenty of individuals experience this.

Some folks have had a traumatic medical experience. This can range from being traumatized by a serious illness or injury, abuses perpetrated by medical staff, a difficult trip to the ER and so forth. If a person develops PTSD after an experience like that, they may avoid medical care, or if they have no choice but to seek it, it can be a trigger.

There are ways to work on this, such as trauma therapy, exposure therapy, medications, and having open conversations with your providers. It may also be helpful to seek out practitioners who are aware of trauma-informed care.

2. Medications

At the best of times when it comes to mental illness, it is important to keep on top of your medications. Personally, I have to keep an eye out for returning symptoms, which usually means my meds need a tweak. It’s also important to be aware of interactions, side effects, timing, and so on. While I again don’t necessarily see a link in my recent situations, I’m willing to accept this could be playing a small part. Perhaps the temporary meds are having an effect on my regular psych ones. Maybe I’m not being as vigilant about taking my pills in their prescribed time frame.

Talk with your pharmacist if you aren’t sure about what effect adding in something new might have on your regular meds. I did ask in both the above scenarios and was told there wouldn’t be any interference. As to my other point, consider downloading a medication reminder. I use one called Round. You can also keep it even simpler by adding an alarm to your watch or phone.

3. Emotional flashbacks

This is one I’m leaning heavily toward as to my explanation of what’s going on in my case. This is a somewhat newer concept, so I’ll take a moment to share what it’s all about.

Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is an emerging diagnosis, not quite in the North American diagnostic manual just yet. As you may have guessed, it’s similar to PTSD but is more “complex” due to the trauma has been long-standing.  I experience C-PTSD symptoms, though depending on if I’m up for explaining it, I’ll just say I experience PTSD to make it easier for myself. It has the same basic PTSD symptoms with some add-ons and variations. Google can take you through that in more detail, Pete Walker is an especially helpful resource.

Emotional flashbacks are associated with C-PTSD. These types of flashbacks bring folks who experience them back not so much into the traumatic moment(s), but instead into the emotions they experienced in and around them. This can all feel very frightening and intense.

When this happens to me, I tend to find myself feeling like I’m in danger. I sometimes start to worry if I can trust people I previously thought I could. On top of that, I feel lost, alone, confused, and like there is something fundamentally wrong with me. I have a sneaking suspicion when I have a more serious medical problem, it may lead to me feeling there’s been a loss of control, which certainly could lead to a flashback of the feelings I just mentioned.

Although I’ve been working on my stuff for over 15 years, this is a newer scenario of getting ill, then possibly having emotional flashbacks, so I’m still working out strategies to deal with it. One thing I know is it’s important to respect my feelings, honor the part of me they come from, and recognize they come from a place that’s trying to protect me. On the flip side, it’s being able to honor those feelings while also remembering I am, “in the now.” I’m still working on that part. For me, it helps to talk about it with my team, write, lie under weighted blankets, get hugs, convince my friend’s pets to sit on me, eat a questionable amount of cookies, and get a bit of exercise. There will probably be other things I discover to help with this as I journey onward.

4. Structure and routine

Many folks, myself included, are helped by having structure and routine, this is especially so when you mix in mental illness. When you’re sick, that stuff regularly goes out the window, and usually for good reasons. You likely need to stay home, get more sleep and so on.

It may help if you’ve had an illness or injury to create some type of loose schedule. Doing things to, at the least, try and keep up your usual routine of sleep and meals. Have some human contact and so on. I tried really hard this time after my fall to do this. I was somewhat successful, but add in COVID-19 life, and it was a bit tricky.

5. Mind-body connection

I think we’ve moved into a new era where we more readily accept our various bodily systems are more connected than we used to think. Of course, in some cultures, this has been a common theory for a very long time. In some regards, science is playing catch-up with these theories.

Though not known long, stress can impact more than the brain, so why not the other way around? Could it be having a fall somehow jolts my brain into anxiety? Sure, why not? Could an infection also bring down my mood? Probably. Is my nervous system in such a precarious position that a slight upset in it puts me into overdrive? Sounds likely.

These connections may not be the whole reason for the trigger, but certainly can be a part of it. Knowing this can be of some comfort, and possibly even give you some hope things will eventually get back in order, or at least give you a plan on how to get there.

This is a lesson I think applies to me as well, but I’m still in the beginning stages of understanding it. As I said above, while I don’t have medical PTSD, medical situations are often not on the top of my list of things I enjoy. I’m getting better and I’m trying to understand.

I also experience dissociation and depersonalization, which can mean my connection/understanding with my mind and body can waiver. I don’t always put together things others might find obvious. I sometimes don’t notice if I’m sick, or do but ignore it entirely. I often don’t realize how much tension or anxiety my body is holding. I’m starting to see this is likely one of my next steps on my mental health journey, so we will see where this goes.

I wanted to write all this because I find great satisfaction in sharing my experiences in a way that can be helpful to others. So, I hope this has been useful to you in some way! Please let me know. Writing my heart out is also how I process things, so it’s very important to me. It took some emotional effort and time to write all this, but it’s worth it. It allows me to share parts of myself that aren’t always that comfortable to put into speech. It gives me something to look back on when I experience something similar in the future. It is something I can share with my support team and beyond. All those things are valuable to me.

Meme in which someone has a physical ailment and mental illnesses say "hello there"

Have you ever noticed an illness or ailment has triggered your mental illnesses to worsen? Do you have any additional thoughts on why that may be? What steps have you taken to remedy this? Do any of the reasons on my list stand out to you as something that may have impacted you? Further thoughts? Add them in the comments below!

 If you’d like to follow along with my journey, you can find me on Instagram as @mentalhealthyxe.

Guest Post Disclaimer: Any and all information shared in this guest blog post is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing in this blog post, nor any content on CPTSDfoundation.org, is a supplement for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Thoughts, ideas, or opinions expressed by the writer of this guest blog do not necessarily reflect those of CPTSD Foundation. For more information, see our Privacy Policy and Full Disclaimer.