Through the cacophony of media – social, alternative, traditional, and otherwise – I could no longer deny the need to walk away from it all and regroup. Heck, I even helped launch Fox News Channel back in the day, attended editorial meetings, and certainly know full well the agendas of mainstream news.
As a super empath, I could no longer tolerate the ominous energy I was continually sensing from the blaring ensnarement, scrolling eternally throughout my reality from all sides of the storyline.
Before escaping for a drive and walking in the Montana woods, I decided not taking my cell phone was a bad safety choice but committed to leaving it unchecked. It’s not often I consider using my phone for SOS contact only. Truth be told, there were several impulsive moments to unlock the glovebox and grab it mindlessly as if by a robotic impulse.
As the day unveiled itself and the road began to lengthen I became more acclimated to taking in the scenery versus my screen. I began to retrace my thoughts about a continual digital connection. This unwinding led me to contemplate relying on other societal beliefs, and the systems I’ve openly embraced as a citizen of the United States.
Embattled by my upbringing within a toxic ancestry to being indoctrinated vs. educated, and certainly trained in a patriarchally slanted culture, I realize how much I’ve been trained to surrender my inner power to willingly let go of my own responsibility in making authentic choices that are meaningful in my heart.
More often, I’ve looked outside to what the systems have told me would bring me to safety and followed those methodologies somewhat blindly, often coming up battered, unsatisfied, and feeling empty.
The need to unplug actually helped me to understand, it is not following the fray on the outside that brings me to balance and contentment. It is being brave enough to go within, check my own heart and courageously follow the path it generates.
Making the choice of living from the inside out certainly delivers the opportunity for clearly deciphering my choices, my actions and the way I live. It also opens a stream of discernment I’ve not tasted very often for the bulk of my being while enmeshed in the toxicity here on Earth.
And I find as the world’s systems continue to show decay, the ability to know what I value, what I prefer, and understand have immeasurable worth. I am able to show up as a grounded individual prepared to contribute to the collective authentically and with sovereignty.
That has been well worth the ride.
If you are feeling out of balance, confused, fearful or afraid to authentically live the day from your own heart? I invite you to join me for a grounding activation. It seems to be the perfect time. Please use this link to learn more and to schedule your complimentary session.
I hope to see you soon, it will be a pleasure!
Susan Gold is the author of Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom. She helps others navigate their way through challenges to find their authentic inner power, sovereignty, and freedom! For more information, please visit:

Contributor Susan Gold is an author and transformationalist. After growing up in a toxic family system, she now helps others through similar trauma, leading with heart and love. Her YouTube video posts are at: