You and I have endured yet another year experiencing the impact of global trauma. We all need healing, hope, and compassion more than ever! In everything we do at Brickel and Associates, our goal is to allow for and aid in healing for our clients. We strive to empower more people to live life using a trauma-informed lens. And we continue to invite you to join us in decreasing the stigma toward mental illness and those in therapy for mental health.

Through the articles we’ve shared this year, we hope to have supported you along your journey towards health, compassion, empowerment, and healing, wherever in the journey you may be.

You may still be trying to comprehend, own, and accept that you have, in fact, experienced trauma in one of its many forms — whether it’s due to the loneliness of COVID, from gaslighting or abuse in a relationshipCPTSD from childhood relational trauma, or trauma from emotional injury. No matter where this work takes you, we wish you safety, knowledge, and compassion with yourself to understand that your actions and behaviors have made sense, given your trauma history.  You make sense!

We hope you are able to hold space for yourself:

My wish for you is that you’re able to experience the joy and healing from healthy relationships and that you feel supported in taking the next step to pursue trauma-informed therapy in 2022.

And if you are still on a waitlist for therapy, I want you to take good care of yourself with these tips.

As always, here’s to compassion, healthy relationships, and healing!

Take good care!
