Recognizing the Signs of Toxic Relationships: A Guide to Self-Awareness

Recognizing the Signs of Toxic Relationships: A Guide to Self-Awareness

Have you ever woken up on a sunny day only to realize by mid-afternoon that the sky had darkened and heavy clouds were threatening rain? You might have had no idea when the sun had ducked behind a cloud or when the day had darkened. That’s what toxic relationships are...

My Experience in an Abusive Care Setting

In 2014, following a chain of traumatic events, and a serious mental health crisis, I was introduced to a new scheme in Lewisham Borough (South East London – UK) for homeless individuals needing mental health support, while waiting for social accommodation...

Every Monday at 7 PM EST Join TAR Meetings to Recover From Toxic Abusive Relationships!

Have you ever been manipulated by a loved one? Have you ever felt used and abused? Have you ever suffered at a toxic worksite? Have you avoided family gatherings due to harmful family members? Have you been a victim of narcissistic abuse? Did you or your child(ren)...

Parental Alienation

Divorce or separation is messy and very hard on any children caught up in the process. Often, children worry about losing one or both of their parents, even when the divorce or separation is amicable. But what happens when one parent decides to cause alienation...