Daily Encouraging Text

One text, once per day, to help encourage you on your personal healing journey.

Weekly Creative Group

Join us in the Weekly Creative Group every Sunday at 6pm eastern, and express your creativity to help in healing!

CPTSD Awareness Wristband

Show your support for CPTSD awareness and trauma recovery with your very own beautiful wristband!

Learn More

Our Learn More resource is completely free, giving you the opportunity to watch and listen to samples of most of our programs before joining.

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD, C-PTSD, Complex PTSD) describes the results of ongoing, inescapable, relational trauma. Unlike Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD typically involves being hurt by another person. These hurts are ongoing, repeated, and often involving a betrayal and loss of safety. For more information please visit our What is CPTSD resource page.

Not sure where to begin or what to look at first? This quick reference page has some helpful tips for getting started.  Start Here.

A quick reference page of common questions sent to us by members and website visitors. Frequent Asked Questions.

Helpful short articles and information on our programs & organization. You can find links to different information here: Help Center

Each week, the official CPTSD Foundation newsletter gets emailed out to thousands of amazing survivors and mental health professionals. Get your copy of Trauma-Informed Tuesday (it’s completely free)!
CPTSD Foundation exists to help reach survivors of trauma with a message of hope and healing; bridging the healing gap and leaving a legacy of healing for the future. See our full Mission/Vision/Values.


Your donation can make a huge difference in the life of a survivor who is seeking trauma-informed resources and help. Every little bit helps!

Years serving Survivors & Practitioners


CPTSD Foundation is a 100% non-profit organization providing support to survivors of complex trauma.

Programs currently available, all trauma-informed.


All of our programs are trauma-informed, which means each one is developed and facilitated through the lens of understanding what survivors need to help feel supported and encouraged as they navigate every day life. No invalidation, no judgment, no shame.

You are welcome here.

Daily Recovery Support

Daily trauma-Informed peer support in a safe, group atmosphere, to supplement individual healing work.

Healing Book Club

Join us each week as we read through and discuss trauma-healing books and materials in a safe, group atmosphere.

Weekly Creative Group

Join us each week where you can express your creativity as you continue your healing journey.

Trauma-Informed Yoga

A weekly body-centered healing program focused on helping survivors engage with the present moment.

Peer Support Chat

Virtual support group where adult survivors come together in a validating and encouraging atmosphere.

Partner Support

“TIPS” for spouses, partners, caregivers, and those who are directly involved in the life of a trauma survivor.

Daily Encouraging Text

One text, once per day to help encourage you on your healing journey. Available in the US and Internationally.

Pride Support

A program designed to affirm and encourage survivors and allies who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community.

All Programs

A full listing of all programs and memberships available, including Free resources and classes.


You can make a difference in the life of a survivor


If you enjoy writing, we want to hear from you. We are always looking for guest writers for our blog!

Our writers include survivors, coaches, clinicians, authors, and thought leaders in the field of trauma recovery.


Do you want to give back and help others using a skill set you have, and a desire to make a difference in the lives of trauma survivors?

Check out the current volunteer opportunities available!


Make a small donation of any size right now! Or, make an even bigger impact by setting up a monthly recurring donation. Your thoughtfulness and kindness can make all the difference.

We appreciate you and thank you!


CPTSD: Learning ThiefT

CPTSD: Learning Thief

Several years ago, when my life seemed more normal, I worked in public relations and corporate communications. I worked for several high-profile firms where, among other assets, employment consists of one key attribute: one’s ability to...

The Shattered Encasement of Suicide GriefT

The Shattered Encasement of Suicide Grief

TRIGGER WARNING: This blog discusses suicide My Mom’s suicide was the culmination of years of enduring painful emotional abuse and narcissism.   There was no blood, just a strong gas smell from the lawnmower. A tarp is placed...

Our Mental Health and SocietyT

Our Mental Health and Society

Mental health services in the UK have always been hard to access. In the past 5 years, they can no longer meet the increasing number of suffering individuals' needs. The recurring question is, "Why are more people diagnosed with...

Reclaiming Serenity: Navigating Self-Care After a FlashbackT

Reclaiming Serenity: Navigating Self-Care After a Flashback

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been talking about having flashbacks in the workplace, how to get grounded, and how to clean up the mess afterward. If you haven’t noticed, that is a lot of work and can be extremely exhausting....

Why Do Men Stay Too Long in Toxic Abusive Relationships?T

Why Do Men Stay Too Long in Toxic Abusive Relationships?

Many men stay in toxic, abusive relationships (TAR) due to a variety of complex reasons and deep-seated fears. One primary reason is men's tendency to view themselves as "fixers." Men often cling to the hope that they can repair the...


See what others say about us. To ensure the privacy of our members, names are not displayed on testimonails. 

“My FRAMILY is amazing. You all are amazing and inspiring. I truly love all everyone on the calls and thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me heal through this community.”


“”The healing book club has been such a blessing. It is very meaningful and I feel that I have established true, authentic connections. It’s comforting to have a designated space each week that’s safe, normalizing, educational, and secure. Thank you for this incredible resource!


“The calls have catapulted me forward in my recovery in multiple ways. I now have an anchor that is reliable, consistent, encouraging, educational, safe and soul-enriching. There are still tough days but I no longer get stuck in isolation for long periods of time.


“”The daily calls are helping me to take better care of myself and have boundaries. How to recognize safe people and unsafe people and receive encouragement and support that I do not get otherwise. They help me recognize I am not alone in my feelings and thoughts.


It’s so amazing having the book club, I find reading triggering a lot of the time but I follow along and get so much from the content anyway. Also, the community aspect is so lovely and Sabra has such a wonderful way about herself; gentle, compassionate, funny, modest, and humble. Sooooo bright and knowledgeable and easy to follow


“I love the encouraging daily texts, I get one right after lunch at work every day, and some days I really need it..:


“I’ve realized recently just how much my healing has benefited from being on these calls. My heart just swells thinking of all of you because I honestly cannot imagine a more loving, supportive group of people.”


“I love this group! I know I don’t talk much, but every time I’m here I find myself nodding in agreement and understanding all of the time, and quietly celebrating all of your victories.”