When I first started my healing journey, I was wound tighter than a 10-day clock…if you know what I mean. My muscles were tight, tight, tight, causing constant headaches. Our bodies tense and tighten to protect us. This makes sense when you consider that the primary responsibility of the body is to keep us safe.

For those dealing with constant anxiety and panic attacks, involuntary tension is an unfortunate reality. One technique that my therapist introduced me to early on was Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that can be highly effective in managing anxiety and panic attacks. It was developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in the early 20th century and is based on the idea that physical relaxation can lead to mental relaxation.

PMR involves a systematic process of tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body to reduce tension, alleviate stress, and promote relaxation. Here’s how PMR works and how it can be used to handle anxiety and panic attacks:

How Progressive Muscle Relaxation Works:

  1. Learn the Technique: To practice PMR, individuals first need to learn the technique, which involves identifying and isolating different muscle groups in the body.
  2. Find a Quiet Space: PMR is typically best practiced in a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted.
  3. Progressive Muscle Tensing: Start with one muscle group, such as the muscles in your hands or forearms. Tense those muscles deliberately and hold the tension for about 5–10 seconds.
  4. Release and Relax: After tensing, release the muscle group abruptly and completely, allowing the muscles to relax fully for about 20–30 seconds. Focus on the sensation of relaxation in that muscle group.
  5. Repeat the Process: Move on to the next muscle group, systematically working your way through the entire body, including the legs, abdomen, chest, back, neck, and face. Ensure that you tense and then relax each muscle group one at a time.
  6. Breathe Mindfully: As you tense and relax each muscle group, synchronize your breathing. Inhale deeply as you tense the muscles, and exhale fully as you release and relax them.

How PMR Helps with Anxiety and Panic Attacks:

  1. Reduces Physical Tension: Anxiety and panic attacks often manifest with physical symptoms like muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, and shallow breathing. PMR addresses these physical manifestations by promoting relaxation.
  2. Calms the Nervous System: PMR triggers the relaxation response in the body, which counters the stress response associated with anxiety. It helps lower the production of stress hormones and activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a sense of calm.
  3. Enhances Body Awareness: By practicing PMR regularly, individuals become more attuned to the physical sensations associated with tension and relaxation. This heightened awareness can help them identify and manage anxiety-related physical symptoms more effectively.
  4. Promotes Mind-Body Connection: PMR emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body. By focusing on the physical sensations of relaxation, individuals can learn to control and soothe their anxious thoughts and feelings.
  5. Portable and On-the-Spot Technique: One of the advantages of PMR is its portability. Once you’ve learned the technique, you can use it anywhere, whether at home, at work, or in a public place, to manage anxiety and panic as needed.

To experience the full benefits of PMR, it’s essential to practice regularly, ideally daily or whenever you feel heightened anxiety or the onset of a panic attack. Over time, PMR can become a valuable self-help tool for managing and reducing anxiety-related symptoms, promoting a greater sense of relaxation and well-being.

However, if anxiety or panic attacks persist or worsen, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a mental health professional for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Here is a FREE recording of the Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique to support your healing journey.

An Invitation

If you are a trauma survivor looking for an online community of other survivors focusing on their careers, I invite you to join The Resilient Career Academy™ Community. (RCA Community)

The RCA Community is a FREE group dedicated to helping/supporting trauma survivors working to overcome the legacy effects of trauma on their careers.

The benefits to you are:

  • Community — The community provides support, encouragement, the ability to share frustrations and get feedback from people who understand the struggle
  • Workplace/Career Resources — The group provides tools, resources, and templates to help you with your career journey
  • Available Coaching Support — The community is supported by trained and certified trauma recovery coaches who are available for individual sessions
  • Learning — You will have access to various trauma/workplace-related online courses developed by our coaches to help you in your journey
  • Workshops/Webinars — You will have access to practical workshops/webinars targeted to help you in the workplace to grow your career

If you are interested in joining us, click here: https://resilientcareeracademy.myflodesk.com/community

As always, you do not have to walk this journey alone. Contact me to schedule your free discovery call.

Trigger Tracker Template — This is a FREE resource to help you keep track of the triggers in your workplace and to plan the coping strategies you will use to get through the experience.

Get on the waiting list for The Resilient Career Academy™. You won’t want to miss it.

If you want to stay informed on the programs, tools, and training I offer, sign up for my mailing list.

You can also visit my website for more information on courses and other freebies I offer at: https://www.cyndibennettconsulting.com.

Photo by Haley Phelps on Unsplash