Thank you for joining me. Today on HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny we are going to practice a wonderful meditation for Supporting Your Heart, Kidneys, and Adrenals. Please check out this meditation and other healing meditations in the HeartBalm toolbox on the home page at HeartBalm.

This practice is for anyone who deals with being in a state of chronic fight/flight mode, for those with complex PTSD or complex trauma, feeling like you are “walking on eggshells” most of the time, and for those that suffer adrenal fatigue and adrenal burnout, as well as chronic fatigue. This practice will help reduce stress and bring the mind and body, including the heart, kidneys, and adrenals back to a calm, relaxed state of being. This is a great exercise to do in the morning before getting out of bed, and before going to bed to help you get a deeper, more relaxed night’s sleep.

When the body is triggered by something or someone it activates our adrenal glands (the small glands that sit on top of our kidneys) to release stress hormones enabling us to switch into a fight or flight response. Once the triggered event has ended the body may become stuck in fight/flight mode making you feel anxious, triggering panic attacks, or preventing you from sleeping. The adrenals are meant to provide stress hormones (including adrenaline and cortisol) in short bursts. We are not meant to live with the adrenals in fight/flight mode releasing stress hormones long term but for so many people the adrenal on-switch has become stuck in the on position wreaking havoc in our lives and bodies.

Additionally, when our kidneys become exhausted they pull on our thyroid reserves – the thyroid gland makes and stores hormones that help regulate the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and the rate at which food is converted into energy. Thyroid hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. Therefore, the heart, kidneys, and adrenals trigger each other so this is a wonderful practice to help break this link between them, and instead connect them back to the strong, slow, steady, grounding heartbeat of the earth. The earth’s heartbeat resonates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This meditation will allow your body to begin to mirror that frequency and resonate at a calmer, more stable, and grounded frequency. As you repeat this practice you will find your body coming back from a triggered state more quickly and easily and return to your natural calm, balanced and relaxed state of being.

You can also practice the techniques in the meditation as you go about your day by becoming aware of how your body is responding to certain events or people in your life, and if anxiety or fear arises communicating with your body, your heart, kidneys, and adrenals. Remember that your body can react like a frightened child, and not understand what’s happening, so the body has to guess, and becomes triggered or reacts from this place of not knowing or misunderstanding. This is why this practice along with gentle communication is so important. For example, if you are taking a test, or doing public speaking you can talk to your adrenals, heart, and kidneys, and let them know you’re just taking a test or talking in front of others and that everything is ok. Or you may be watching a scary movie that brings up fear or anxiety – this is a great time to communicate to these parts that you’re just watching a movie with actors acting out scenes in a show and it’s not real. Oftentimes when I am hiking or jogging I find that my body is triggered and believes it is in danger from something so I talk to my adrenals, kidneys, and heart and let them know we are just exercising and that everything is fine.

Let’s begin now by finding a comfortable seat and beginning to breathe deeply. Notice your breath and begin to breathe into your stomach rather than your chest – only the stomach should be going up and down and the chest and shoulders should not move.

Now close your eyes and begin to look deep into yourself, bringing your attention to your heart and noticing your heartbeat. Place your hand on your heart if that helps to feel your heart beating so you can sense the speed of your heart. Notice if it is erratic or fast. Begin talking to your heart as if it were a scared child waking up from a nightmare. You would begin to speak in a soothing and calm voice. Talk to your heart in this same way. You might say: “Shhhh, shhhh, everything’s going to be okay. You are safe. You are safe now. You can relax now. Shhhh, it’s okay, everything’s okay now. We can be calm now, we’re safe. Shhhh, shhhh.” Continue to talk to your heart in this way until you feel your heartbeat normalizing and slowing.

Now move your attention further down into the body, and through the seat or bed where you are sitting, through the floor, and into the earth past the tree roots, the rocks, and the stones and travel further and further down into the earth, deeper and deeper, down through all the different layers of minerals, and deeper still until you reach the heartbeat of mother earth, at the core of the earth. Notice this strong, slow, steady heartbeat. Bring up that steady heartbeat now all the way back up through the warm earth through the different layers of minerals, past the rocks, stones, and tree roots, and up through the floor and your seat and back into the body – allowing the heartbeat of the earth to align with your heartbeat calming it, and relaxing it. Once you feel your heart and the earth are synchronized bring your attention down to your kidneys and adrenals, in your lower back, just below your ribs. Notice if they are agitated, weak, or strained or if you have any pain in this area. Talk to the kidneys, and the adrenals in the same way you talked to your heart – like a frightened child. “Shhhh, shhhhh, you’re safe, you’re safe now, everything’s going to be okay. You’ve been working so hard but you can be calm now. You can relax. Everything’s okay. We’re safe, we’re safe, we’re safe.” Continue to talk to your adrenals and kidneys in this way until you can feel them calming and relaxing.

We’re going to repeat the path down into the earth now. Bring your attention down into the body, and through the seat or bed where you are sitting, then through the floor, and into the earth past the tree roots, the rocks, and the stones and travel further and further down into the earth, deeper and deeper, down through all the different layers of minerals, to where the earth becomes warm and you find the slow, steady, strong heartbeat of mother earth. Bring up that steady heartbeat now all the way back up through the heart of mother earth, up past the different layers of minerals, until you reach the rocks, stones, and tree roots, and coming back up through the floor, and your seat, and back into the body. Allow your kidneys and adrenals to align with the heartbeat of the earth and bring the heartbeat of the earth to your adrenals and kidneys.

Feel into the deep calm of your heart, kidneys, adrenals, and your entire body. Notice the link between your heart, kidneys, adrenals, and your body and how they are joined and resonating with the core of the earth, and the heartbeat of mother earth. Feel how it reverberates in your body and imagine yourself lying on the ground – on mother earth feeling supported, as the sun shines down on you and fills you with light. Notice your body softening more and relaxing even further.

Repeat this exercise as often as you need for as long as you need to. Begin to feel back into your body. Take in a few deep belly breaths and when you’re ready open your eyes.

Thank you for joining me sweet one. Go feel adored. I love you.

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