by Heidi Fischer | Nov 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
This article was originally published on The Mighty. If you’ve decided to read this writing, my guess is you likely have someone in your life who has a mental illness and who also disappears. You might be aware that yes, this vanishing takes place, but perhaps you...
by Heidi Fischer | Oct 11, 2022 | Anxiety, CPTSD, Emotional Flashbacks, Guest Contributor
This article was originally published on The Mighty. My thoughts come at me too quickly, too loudly — it’s as if my mind is shouting. At the same time, my heart is racing and I find it difficult to breathe. I grip the kitchen counter to stop myself from falling over....
by Heidi Fischer | Oct 5, 2022 | Complex PTSD Healing, CPTSD, Emotional Wellness, Guest Contributor, Healing from Toxic Shame
This article was originally published on The Mighty. There is a therapy trick that I’m willing to bet you’ve heard of. It’s a popular technique used to quiet down negative self-talk, a type of reframing called “naming.” Basically, you give your inner critic a name...
by Heidi Fischer | Sep 16, 2022 | Complex PTSD Healing, CPTSD, Emotional Flashbacks, Guest Contributor, Hypervigilance, Post Traumatic Growth, Triggers
This article was originally published on The Mighty. I have a well-worn neural pathway in my brain. My mind sprints down this pathway when it notices my body is acting weird. I quickly go from “hmm something seems off” to “I am in mortal peril right now.” This...
by Heidi Fischer | Aug 17, 2022 | CPTSD, Emotional Wellness, Guest Contributor
This article was originally published on The Mighty. I have two modes of operation. Either I run at 125% or total collapse. Both ways of existing have their place, and I’m rather skilled at each. Yet in truth, this is not very healthy, and so I’m trying to figure out...