by Shirley Davis | Nov 11, 2020 | CPTSD, CPTSD Research
The term dysfunctional family is used to give a name to a family that does not function within normal parameters. There may be alcoholism, drug abuse, neglect, and abuse. These disturbed families harbor children who, because of their debilitated families, are not...
by Shirley Davis | Nov 9, 2020 | Complex PTSD Healing, CPTSD, Emotional Wellness
As children, many survivors faced not receiving love from their caregivers without paying a tremendous price, and even then, it wasn’t true love. This lack of attention and care left most abused and mistreated children living in a limbo of desiring the love they...
by Shirley Davis | Nov 2, 2020 | CPTSD, Feeling Good Enough
If you were raised in a trauma filled home, you may have grown up not knowing how you fit into the world. Some days you may feel that you do not belong on planet earth and that you were a mistake. This series is dedicated to the fact that you do belong and are...
by Shirley Davis | Oct 26, 2020 | CPTSD Research, Emotional Wellness
In October, we have been exploring together emotional wellness and emotional intelligence during emotional wellness awareness month. During these stressful days of the COVID 19 pandemic, talking about this subject is even more vital than ever before. Being emotionally...
by Shirley Davis | Oct 19, 2020 | CPTSD, CPTSD Research, Emotional Wellness
There can be no doubt that emotional wellness and emotional intelligence go hand in hand. But what does it mean to be emotionally well? Is it something mysterious and unattainable? Or is it something that anyone can achieve? This article will explore these questions...