My Experience in an Abusive Care Setting

In 2014, following a chain of traumatic events, and a serious mental health crisis, I was introduced to a new scheme in Lewisham Borough (South East London – UK) for homeless individuals needing mental health support, while waiting for social accommodation...

Self-Harming Behaviors

***Trigger Warning*** This article includes an honest discussion about self-harming behavior. No triggering information is shared, but it is a topic that is highly triggering to some. Caution is advised. Self-harming behaviors leave lasting scars and often feelings of...
Just Julie: Complex Trauma Experience Expert and Patient Advocate

Just Julie: Complex Trauma Experience Expert and Patient Advocate

  Hello everyone! My name is Julie, and I am joining the CPTSD Foundation as a blog contributor. Allow me to introduce myself. I am first and foremost a writer. I write under the pen name Just Julie. I am also an entrepreneur, a mental health patient advocate, a human...

Self – Harming: When Living is Overwhelming

Just as suicidal ideation is now openly discussed, so is self-harming. Unfortunately, those who need emotional and physical support, are being shamed and labelled as attention-seeking. Some call it a cry for help. So, why isn’t there more support and care for...