by Ramon Diaz | Feb 3, 2023 | Brain Chemistry, Guest Contributor, Mental Health Advocacy, Mental Health Professional
The Impact Unresolved trauma can impact people’s lives in many ways. It creates challenges for people in how they engage with the world. People often feel trapped because the fear of experiencing a trauma-related trigger can leave them frozen with fear. People can...
by Ramon Diaz | Jan 27, 2023 | Brain Chemistry, Guest Contributor, Mental Health Professional
I often work with patients who have a difficult time thinking about what they feel as well as having the felt experience of emotions. I often encounter patients who are more than willing to share their mental health struggles. The stories they share are painful to...
by Elizabeth Woods | Jan 20, 2023 | Brain Chemistry, CPTSD, Guest Contributor
Have you ever been curious about why and how you react to events and other things that are different from your friends? As a CPTSD survivor, I started questioning why I am the way I am in certain situations. I have noticed all my life that most people around me do not...
by Laura Buchenlicht | Jan 13, 2023 | Brain Chemistry, CPTSD, Family Estrangement, Generational Trauma, Guest Contributor, Narcissistic Personality Disorder
This blog originally appeared: at YouTube: If someone had told me just one year ago that I’d be running a YouTube channel with videos of me giving talks and reciting my own poetry in twelve months’ time, I wouldn’t have believed them. I was the youngest child in...
by Elizabeth Woods | Nov 18, 2022 | Brain Chemistry, Childhood Sexual Abuse, CPTSD, Emotional Flashbacks, Guest Contributor
What are Flashbacks? Flashbacks are raw, unaltered memories that suddenly enter your conscious mind. A flashback can strike at any moment out of the blue, or it can be triggered by a smell, taste, feeling, word, situation, or almost anything that is personal to your...
by Ramon Diaz | Nov 16, 2022 | Body Chemistry, Brain Chemistry, Guest Contributor, Sports Trauma
Recently, a major incident took place after a college football game ended at the University of Michigan. Several Michigan State football players allegedly attacked players from the University of Michigan. This rivalry is popular for many reasons. These two schools...