by Shirley Davis | Feb 12, 2024 | Family Disease, Gaslighting, Generational Trauma, Parental Alienation
Children are often caught in the middle in the face of a divorce or separation. Kids love both of their parents and become confused and afraid when they don’t get along. But what happens when one parent is a narcissist who is adept at gaslighting and...
by Shirley Davis | Feb 5, 2024 | Gaslighting, Parental Alienation
Divorce or separation is messy and very hard on any children caught up in the process. Often, children worry about losing one or both of their parents, even when the divorce or separation is amicable. But what happens when one parent decides to cause alienation...
by Madelon Wise | Apr 12, 2023 | Addiction, Boundaries, CPTSD Survivor Stories, Family Estrangement, Guest Contributor, Parental Alienation, Shame
I was here again in Colorado, staying in my stepsister’s depressing bedroom with the same intention as I had in 1968 when I returned to my parent’s home in an attempt to heal the never-ending rift between us. Dad worked as a pharmaceutical representative, and all of...
by Rebekah Brown | Mar 29, 2023 | Attachment Trauma, Boundaries, CPTSD and Narcissistic Abuse, Generational Trauma, Guest Contributor, Healing from Toxic Shame, Living with Disabilities, Parental Alienation, Toxic Relationships, Trauma
When you look at patterns within dysfunctional family systems, without fail, you will find the hallmark of a false narrative. The engine of the family system runs on untruths, half-truths, and constructed reality. And it doesn’t start where your story begins....
by Rebekah Brown | Feb 22, 2023 | Abuse, Complex PTSD Healing, CPTSD and Inner Child Work, CPTSD Survivor Stories, Emotional Wellness, Gaslighting, Guest Contributor, Healthy Relationships, Parental Alienation, Relationships
A Short Childhood Story I was finally old enough to go to school and get away from my mother’s screaming, beatings, and sexual abuse. My older brother and I smiled together as we got on the school bus that day. We were both glad to be getting away. First grade was the...
by Jeff Spiteri | Feb 21, 2023 | Childhood Sexual Abuse, CPTSD, Emotional Wellness, Family Estrangement, Hope, Parental Alienation, Sexual Abuse, Shame
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die” ~Anonymous When I bring up the word forgiveness to people most greet it with a sigh. The sentiment often embodies something along the lines of “I’ve tried”, “good luck,” or “what a struggle.”...