The Thumb-Sucker

The Thumb-Sucker Fight or flight: the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away. **Please be kind to yourself as you read** I thought I was safe. At four years old, I believed if I...
Mrs. King Versus the Gaslighters

Mrs. King Versus the Gaslighters

Gaslighting: to manipulate (someone) by psychological or abusive means into questioning reality. I had watched my big brother board the school bus every day for the last year. Now, it was finally my turn. The very first week of first grade, my teacher, Mrs. King,...
My Amygdala: A Love Story (Part I)

My Amygdala: A Love Story (Part I)

My Amygdala: A Love Story (Part I) This is not your average love story, but I think it’s a love story nonetheless. It begins with desperation and jealousy, with insecurity and fear; fear of loss of love. It begins with horror at the thought of being shamed,...