Complex PTSD is Giving Me a Complex

Complex PTSD is Giving Me a Complex

Ever have something happen to you and suddenly, you’re part of THAT club: every person you meet has experienced the same. Get pregnant, everyone is pregnant. Get divorced, everyone is getting divorced. Get CPTSD, everyone has CPTSD. The pregnancy club membership was...
To Do or Not to Do – That is the Question of Medicine

To Do or Not to Do – That is the Question of Medicine

The stigma surrounding medications for mental illness often drives people away from what they need most. Many people innocently say, “I hate taking medications” or “I would never take them”. Isn’t it lovely that some people have a choice? People who don’t need...

What is Meditation? (And How it Can Help Trauma Survivors With Life Management)

Meditation is ceasing daily activity and entering into a focused time of attention on the inner life. It is one of the four components that create structure bringing about transformation in the life of a trauma survivor. The four components are regular mealtimes,...