CPTSD in the Workplace: Creating a Safe Work Environment

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash Usually, when we talk about environmental safety, the conversation is about guidance, policies, and practices that are enforced to ensure that the surrounding environment is free from hazards. From a trauma recovery perspective,...

CPTSD in the Workplace: Emotional Safety

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash One of the defining characteristics of CPTSD is severe and persistent problems in affect regulation. In my first article, I wrote, “Affect regulation, sometimes called emotional dysregulation, relates to having strongly felt...

CPTSD in the Workplace: Personal Safety

Photo by Miłosz Klinowski on Unsplash When we Google personal safety in the workplace, the results will be related to environmental issues related to safety, such as OSHA, etc. IGI Global defines personal safety as “a basic need to be free of physical harm,...

What is Meditation? (And How it Can Help Trauma Survivors With Life Management)

Meditation is ceasing daily activity and entering into a focused time of attention on the inner life. It is one of the four components that create structure bringing about transformation in the life of a trauma survivor. The four components are regular mealtimes,...